Mica Action Group (MAG) is a Donegal based, volunteer led organisation campaigning for 100% Redress for those affected by defective concrete homes & buildings.

Meeting with Senior Donegal County Council Officials.

On 7th April 2014, a delegation from the group met senior Donegal County Council officials including the County Manager, Mr. Séamus Neely. Also present was Mr. Damien McKay, Technical Adviser to the group an Cllr. Martin Farren, MCC (Labour). Following oral testimonies from delegates on how cracking has affected their homes, families and health, a PowerPoint presentation graphically illustrated the issues. Delegates explained that the group (founded in January) wanted a redress scheme put in place for all homes affected by defective blocks in the county. The Council officials agreed to formalise contacts with the Dept. Environment in order to ger a clear understanding of the Departments position on the proble. the local Authority are also to liaise with the group with regard to the technical issues


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